
Post handover payment plan Dubai

What is a Post Handover Payment Plan?

Handover payment is the final step to securing the purchase of your off-plan property. In the UAE, this upfront payment is usually 50-70% of the total property price. You will likely need to take out a mortgage in order to finance this cost. By making this final payment, you are ensuring that you will be able to take ownership of your new home.


A post-handover payment plan in Dubai is an option that some developers offer to buyers in order to make the final payment more manageable. Under this type of arrangement, the buyer pays a smaller amount upfront (usually between 20-30% of the total market price) and then makes regular installments over a period of time until the full handover payment is made.

piggy bank with coins and a magnifying glass, considering the additional information of Post Handover Payment plan Dubai

Adding a post-handover payment plan can make an off-plan purchase more affordable for buyers who might not be able to afford the full handover cost upfront. It also gives buyers more time to arrange their finances and get a mortgage in place. This type of payment plan is becoming increasingly popular within buyers in the UAE.

If you are considering purchasing an off-plan property with plush interiors and modern aesthetics, get in touch with one of our agents today. We will help you find the perfect property and guide you through the purchase process, so you enjoy the urban luxury life with easy post-handover plans. eMortgage can help you find the perfect property and guide you through the purchase process.

Is there any risk?

The risk in handover payment is usually low as the property developer would have completed most of the construction by this stage and would have received payments from buyers in installments. However, there are a few things to consider:

  • The property market could change in the time between when you make your purchase and when you take ownership of the property. This could affect the value of your Dubai properties and make it difficult to sell in the future.
  • The developer could encounter financial difficulties and be unable to complete the construction of the property. This is unlikely, but it is always a risk when purchasing off-plan.
  • If you make defaults on payments of your loan, you could lose the property. If you are taking out a mortgage to finance your handover payment, make sure you can afford the repayments.

Purchasing an off-plan property is a big decision and it’s important to weigh up all the risks before making a purchase. If you are careful and do your research, buying an off-plan property can be a great way to get a property in Dubai at a lower price. Just be sure to evaluate your risks and benefits before making any decisions.

First of all, it is important to choose a reputable and experienced developer. Make sure you research the company and read reviews from other buyers before you make a commitment.

It is also a good idea to get a mortgage pre-approval before you purchase an off-plan property. This will give you some security and peace of mind knowing that you can afford the property.

Finally, get a firm understanding of the payment plan and timeline for the project. This will help you avoid any surprises down the road.

Why Post Handover Payment is good for buying property in Dubai?

There are a number of reasons why a post-handover payment plan can be a good option for buying property in Dubai. Handover payment Dubai, UAE, has certain benefits like:

With a post-handover payment plan, you can move into your new home as soon as the construction is complete and the property is handed over to you. This means that you don’t have to wait for the full payment to be made before moving in.

If you are arranging finance for your property purchase, a post-handover payment plan gives you more time to do this. This is because you only have to pay the remaining balance of the purchase price after you have moved into the property.

If you are paying cash for your property, you may be able to get a mortgage from a bank. This can help you to spread the cost of the purchase over a number of years.

Developers often offer discounts to prospective buyers who choose a post-handover payment plan. This is because they are able to sell the property sooner and they don’t have to wait for the full payment to be made.

If you are paying cash for your property, you may be able to negotiate a lower price with the developer. They are willing to sell the property for less because they don’t have to wait for the full payment to be made.

4 tips to prepare for the handover payment

Understand your timeline and payments


It is important to have a clear understanding of the timeline and payments for the handover payment. This will help you to avoid any surprises down the road. If you are thinking about financing your purchase, make sure you understand the payment terms and conditions of the loan. Furthermore, also ensures that you can afford the repayments.


Get a mortgage pre-approval


If you are taking out a mortgage to finance your handover payment, make sure you get a pre-approval from a mortgage provider. This will give you some security and peace of mind knowing that you can afford the repayments. Having your finances in order before making an offer on a property will also give you more bargaining power when negotiating with the seller. Therefore, plan to attend a mortgage provider for the mortgage pre-approval meeting.


Do your research


Make sure you do your research and due diligence before choosing a real estate developer. Read reviews from other buyers and make sure you understand the terms and conditions of the sale. Doing your research is the most important thing you can do, make sure you are comfortable with the developer you choose. If not, look for another one. The real estate market in Dubai is very competitive, so there are plenty of developers to choose from.


Get expert advice


If you are unsure about anything, it is always a good idea to get expert advice. There are a number of experienced real estate agents in Dubai who can help you with your handover payment. At eMortgage, we help you get the best deal possible. We have partnered up with the major banks in Dubai and we can help you to get a pre-approval for your mortgage. We can also help you to negotiate the best possible price for your property.

Why Choose Us?

Emortgage provides the best consultancy

Our Mortgage experts will provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision about your mortgage. Our agents will be with you every step of the way and will make sure that you have no doubts left about your handover payment.

Emortgage finds the best deals for you

No matter what your requirements are, we find the best mortgage deal for you. We have a wide range of products and we will make sure that you get the best possible terms and conditions.

Best Refinance Deals

If you are looking to refinance your mortgage, we will find the best possible deal for you. We will save you time and money by getting you the best possible terms and conditions for your refinancing.

Handover Payment facilities

Emortgage also offers an attractive post-handover payment plan. It can be difficult to save up for the full amount of the handover payment. With our comprehensive payment plan, you can pay off your mortgage over a period of time. This will help you to save money and it will also help you to keep your monthly payments manageable. 

Emortgage is convenient

You can apply for your mortgage online or over the phone. We will take care of the rest and make sure that your handover payment is done as soon as possible.

Emortgage is fast and efficient

We will process your application quickly and efficiently. We will also keep you updated about the status of your application so that you can have peace of mind.

Emortgage is trustworthy

We have been in the industry for many years. With a portfolio of happy customers, we bring along the expertise of helping homeowners find the best home financing deals.  

Our Partners

We are proudly associated with region’s leading banks and financial institutions.